Available RSS Feeds
Code Examples
import feedparser
url = "https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss"
feed = feedparser.parse(url)
for entry in feed.entries:
print(f"Title: {entry.title}")
print(f"Link: {entry.link}")
// Define your API key here
const HLGAMINGAPI = 'YourApiKeyHere'; // Replace with your actual API key
// Construct the RSS feed URL with the API key
const feedUrl = `https://feeds.feedburner.com/hlgamingofficial/${HLGAMINGAPI}`;
// Fetch the RSS feed
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xml = parser.parseFromString(data, 'application/xml');
const items = xml.querySelectorAll('item');
// Loop through the items in the RSS feed and log title and link
items.forEach(item => {
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching the RSS feed:', error);
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xml = parser.parseFromString(data, 'application/xml');
const items = xml.querySelectorAll('item');
items.forEach(item => {
const Parser = require('rss-parser');
const parser = new Parser();
(async () => {
const feed = await parser.parseURL('https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss');
feed.items.forEach(item => {
console.log(item.title + ': ' + item.link);
curl -X GET 'https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss'
channel->item as $item) {
echo "Title: " . $item->title . "<br>";
echo "Link: " . $item->link . "<br>";
package main
import (
func main() {
parser := gofeed.NewParser()
feed, _ := parser.ParseURL("https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss")
for _, item := range feed.Items {
fmt.Println("Title:", item.Title)
fmt.Println("Link:", item.Link)
Developers, we strongly encourage you to use the
API method
provided for fetching the posts. This approach supports long-term features and works seamlessly across all domains. While other methods might encounter domain errors, this API solution allows you to access data from any domain without limitations.
Code Examples
import feedparser
url = "https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss"
feed = feedparser.parse(url)
for entry in feed.entries:
print(f"Title: {entry.title}")
print(f"Link: {entry.link}")
Python API
import requests
# Define your API key
API_KEY = 'YourApiKeyHere' # Replace with your actual API key
url = f"https://feeds.feedburner.com/hlgamingofficial/{API_KEY}"
response = requests.get(url)
if response.status_code == 200:
feed = response.text
print(f"Failed to fetch RSS feed: {response.status_code}")
const Parser = require('rss-parser');
const parser = new Parser();
(async () => {
const feed = await parser.parseURL('https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss');
feed.items.forEach(item => {
console.log(item.title + ': ' + item.link);
Node.js API
const axios = require('axios');
// Define your API key
const API_KEY = 'YourApiKeyHere'; // Replace with your actual API key
const feedUrl = `https://feeds.feedburner.com/hlgamingofficial/${API_KEY}`;
.then(response => {
.catch(error => {
console.error('Error fetching the RSS feed:', error);
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xml = parser.parseFromString(data, 'application/xml');
const items = xml.querySelectorAll('item');
items.forEach(item => {
JavaScript API
.then(response => response.text())
.then(data => {
const parser = new DOMParser();
const xml = parser.parseFromString(data, 'application/xml');
const items = xml.querySelectorAll('item');
items.forEach(item => {
channel->item as $item) {
echo "Title: " . $item->title . "<br>";
echo "Link: " . $item->link . "<br>";
channel->item as $item) {
echo "Title: " . $item->title . "
echo "Link: " . $item->link . "
package main
import (
func main() {
parser := gofeed.NewParser()
feed, _ := parser.ParseURL("https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss")
for _, item := range feed.Items {
fmt.Println("Title:", item.Title)
fmt.Println("Link:", item.Link)
package main
import (
func main() {
apiKey := "YourApiKeyHere" // Replace with your actual API key
feedUrl := fmt.Sprintf("https://feeds.feedburner.com/hlgamingofficial/%s", apiKey)
// Make an HTTP GET request to fetch the RSS feed
resp, err := http.Get(feedUrl)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error fetching the feed:", err)
defer resp.Body.Close()
body, err := ioutil.ReadAll(resp.Body)
if err != nil {
fmt.Println("Error reading the response body:", err)
// Parse the feed
parser := gofeed.NewParser()
feed, _ := parser.ParseString(string(body))
for _, item := range feed.Items {
fmt.Println("Title:", item.Title)
fmt.Println("Link:", item.Link)
using System;
using System.Xml;
class Program {
static void Main() {
string url = "https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss";
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
foreach (XmlNode item in doc.SelectNodes("//item")) {
Console.WriteLine("Title: " + item["title"].InnerText);
Console.WriteLine("Link: " + item["link"].InnerText);
using System;
using System.Net.Http;
using System.Xml;
class Program {
static void Main() {
string apiKey = "YourApiKeyHere"; // Replace with your actual API key
string url = $"https://feeds.feedburner.com/hlgamingofficial/{apiKey}";
HttpClient client = new HttpClient();
var response = client.GetStringAsync(url).Result;
XmlDocument doc = new XmlDocument();
foreach (XmlNode item in doc.SelectNodes("//item")) {
Console.WriteLine("Title: " + item["title"].InnerText);
Console.WriteLine("Link: " + item["link"].InnerText);
Developers, click on the given box below 🌟 and code editor will enabled and also before running the code below, make sure that the
tag is included at the end of the script block.
Test Your Feed Directly
Live Output
HL GAMING OFFICIAL Feeds Documentation
0. Posts Feed (RSS)(Using Api)
This RSS feed returns all posts from the blog. Replace `{apikey}` with your API key to fetch the posts in RSS format. To access the API and get your personal API key, visit the following link: https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/p/api.html After obtaining your API key, you can use it to replace `{apikey}` in the RSS feed URL, enabling you to fetch posts from the HL Gaming Official blog programmatically.
And this api methord is recommended as this is
V : 19.9.7 BETA
and this supports all cross border domains . Mean that you can send api requsts from all domains origins not limited .
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Posts from HL Gaming Official</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com</link> <description>Latest posts from HL Gaming Official</description> <item> <title>New Game Released</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/new-game-released</link> <description>Details about the latest game release</description> </item> <item> <title>Upcoming Event</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/upcoming-event</link> <description>Information about the upcoming event</description> </item> </channel> </rss>
1. Default Feed (All Posts - RSS)
The **Default Feed** returns all published posts in **RSS format**. This is the primary feed for general blog content.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>HL Gaming Official</title> <link>https://www.hlgamingofficial.com</link> <description>Latest posts from HL Gaming Official</description> <item> <title>Post Title 1</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/post1</link> <pubDate>Wed, 08 Dec 2024 14:00:00 +0000</pubDate> <description>Summary of Post 1</description> </item> </channel> </rss>
<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss" />
2. Default Feed (All Posts - JSON)
This feed returns all published posts in **JSON format**, which is ideal for dynamic web applications and services.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=json
{ "feed": { "title": "HL Gaming Official", "link": "https://www.hlgamingofficial.com", "entry": [ { "title": "Post Title 1", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/post1", "published": "2024-12-08T14:00:00Z", "summary": "Summary of Post 1" }, { "title": "Post Title 2", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/post2", "published": "2024-12-08T15:00:00Z", "summary": "Summary of Post 2" } ] } }
fetch('https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=json') .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => { data.feed.entry.forEach(post => { console.log(post.title, post.link); }); }) .catch(error => console.error('Error:', error));
3. Comments Feed (RSS)
This RSS feed returns all comments for a specific post. Replace `PostID` with the actual post ID to fetch the comments.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/comments/default/p/PostID?alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Comments for Post Title</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID</link> <description>Comments on this post</description> <item> <title>Commenter Name</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID#comment1</link> <pubDate>Wed, 08 Dec 2024 14:30:00 +0000</pubDate> <description>This is a comment text</description> </item> </channel> </rss>
4. Comments Feed (JSON)
This JSON feed returns comments for a specific post in a structured format. Replace `PostID` to fetch comments for a post.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/comments/default/p/PostID?alt=json
{ "feed": { "title": "Comments for Post Title", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID", "entry": [ { "title": "Commenter Name", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID#comment1", "published": "2024-12-08T14:30:00Z", "summary": "This is a comment text" } ] } }
5. Pages Feed (RSS)
This RSS feed returns all pages (static content) from the blog. Replace `PageID` to fetch a specific page.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/pages/default?alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Pages of HL Gaming Official</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com</link> <description>All pages of HL Gaming Official</description> <item> <title>About Us</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/about</link> <description>Information about HL Gaming Official</description> </item> </channel> </rss>
6. Posts by Label Feed (RSS)
This RSS feed retrieves all posts associated with a specific label. Replace `LabelName` with the actual label name.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default/-/LabelName?alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Posts for Label Name</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com</link> <description>Posts tagged with Label Name</description> <item> <title>Post Title 1</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/post1</link> <pubDate>Wed, 08 Dec 2024 14:00:00 +0000</pubDate> <description>Summary of Post 1</description> </item> </channel> </rss>
7. Posts by Label Feed (JSON)
This JSON feed retrieves all posts associated with a specific label. Replace `LabelName` with the actual label name.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default/-/LabelName?alt=json
{ "feed": { "title": "Posts for Label Name", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com", "entry": [ { "title": "Post Title 1", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/post1", "published": "2024-12-08T14:00:00Z", "summary": "Summary of Post 1" } ] } }
8. Individual Post Feed (RSS)
This RSS feed returns data for a specific post. Replace `PostID` with the actual post ID.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default/p/PostID?alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Post Title</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID</link> <description>Detailed content of Post</description> <item> <title>Post Title</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID</link> <pubDate>Wed, 08 Dec 2024 14:00:00 +0000</pubDate> <description>Summary or content of post</description> </item> </channel> </rss>
9. Individual Post Feed (JSON)
This JSON feed returns data for a specific post. Replace `PostID` with the actual post ID.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default/p/PostID?alt=json
{ "feed": { "title": "Post Title", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID", "entry": [ { "title": "Post Title", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID", "published": "2024-12-08T14:00:00Z", "summary": "Detailed content of the post" } ] } }
10. Post Metadata Feed (RSS)
This RSS feed returns metadata information for all posts, including post ID, title, and URL.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Post Metadata</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com</link> <description>Metadata of all posts</description> <item> <title>Post Title</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID</link> <description>Metadata for post</description> </item> </channel> </rss>
10. Individual Post Feed (JSON)
This JSON feed returns data for a specific post. Replace `PostID` with the actual post identifier.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default/p/PostID?alt=json
{ "feed": { "title": "Post Title", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID", "entry": [ { "title": "Post Title", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID", "published": "2024-12-08T14:00:00Z", "summary": "Detailed content of the post" } ] } }
11. Post Metadata Feed (RSS)
This RSS feed returns metadata information for all posts, including post ID, title, and URL.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Post Metadata</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com</link> <description>Metadata of all posts</description> <item> <title>Post Title</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID</link> <description>Metadata for post</description> </item> </channel> </rss>
12. Post Metadata Feed (JSON)
This JSON feed returns metadata information for all posts, including post ID, title, and URL.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=json
{ "feed": { "title": "Post Metadata", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com", "entry": [ { "title": "Post Title", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID", "published": "2024-12-08T14:00:00Z", "summary": "Metadata for post" } ] } }
13. Labels Feed (RSS)
This RSS feed returns all available labels for the blog.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Labels</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com</link> <description>List of labels</description> <item> <title>Label Name</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/label/LabelName</link> </item> </channel> </rss>
14. Labels Feed (JSON)
This JSON feed returns all available labels for the blog in a structured format.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?alt=json
{ "feed": { "title": "Labels", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com", "entry": [ { "title": "Label Name", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/label/LabelName" } ] } }
15. Site Metadata Feed (API)
This API endpoint returns metadata information for the site, such as blog title, description, and ID.
Feed URL:https://www.googleapis.com/blogger/v3/blogs/blogId
{ "id": "blogId", "name": "HL Gaming Official", "description": "A blog about gaming.", "url": "https://hlgamingofficial.com", "published": "2023-01-01T00:00:00Z" }
16. Search Feed (RSS)
This RSS feed returns search results for a given query. Replace `SearchTerm` with the desired search keyword.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?q=SearchTerm&alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Search Results for SearchTerm</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com</link> <description>Search results for keyword SearchTerm</description> <item> <title>Post Title</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID</link> </item> </channel> </rss>
17. Search Feed (JSON)
This JSON feed returns search results for a given query. Replace `SearchTerm` with the desired search keyword.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?q=SearchTerm&alt=json
{ "feed": { "title": "Search Results for SearchTerm", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com", "entry": [ { "title": "Post Title", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID" } ] } }
18. Posts by Date Feed (RSS)
This RSS feed returns posts published after a specific date. Replace `YYYY-MM-DD` with the desired date.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?start-date=YYYY-MM-DD&alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Posts After YYYY-MM-DD</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com</link> <description>Posts published after a specific date</description> <item> <title>Post Title</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID</link> </item> </channel> </rss>
19. Posts by Date Feed (JSON)
This JSON feed returns posts published after a specific date. Replace `YYYY-MM-DD` with the desired date.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?start-date=YYYY-MM-DD&alt=json
{ "feed": { "title": "Posts After YYYY-MM-DD", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com", "entry": [ { "title": "Post Title", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID" } ] } }
20. Posts by Date Range Feed (RSS)
This RSS feed returns posts published within a specific date range. Replace `start-date` and `end-date` with the required dates.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?start-date=YYYY-MM-DD&end-date=YYYY-MM-DD&alt=rss
<rss version="2.0"> <channel> <title>Posts Between Start Date and End Date</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com</link> <description>Posts published between a specific date range</description> <item> <title>Post Title</title> <link>https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID</link> </item> </channel> </rss>
21. Posts by Date Range Feed (JSON)
This JSON feed returns posts published within a specific date range. Replace `start-date` and `end-date` with the required dates.
Feed URL:https://hlgamingofficial.com/feeds/posts/default?start-date=YYYY-MM-DD&end-date=YYYY-MM-DD&alt=json
{ "feed": { "title": "Posts Between Start Date and End Date", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com", "entry": [ { "title": "Post Title", "link": "https://hlgamingofficial.com/postID" } ] } }
1. Fetch Latest Articles
Fetch a specific number of articles from the HL Gaming feed. Replace `{user_api}` with your API key and `{count}` with the number of articles you want to fetch.
Command:hl-gaming-api fetch {user_api} {count}
📰 Latest Articles: 🔹 100+ Unique Free Fire Name Style for Covid 19 - 🖤ᶜᵒᵛⁱᵈ 19ᴮᴿᴼ ➝ https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/2025/01/100-unique-free-fire-name-style-for_23.html 🔹 Be a Legend: 100+ Free Fire Nicknames for Boom - ᴿᴬᴳᴱⒷⓄⓄⓂ࿅ ➝ https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/2025/01/be-legend-100-free-fire-nicknames-for_23.html 🔹 TikTok Is Back Online in the U.S. After Being Officially Banned on January 18 - Hl Gaming Official ➝ https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/2025/01/tiktok-is-back-online-in-us-after-being.html
2. Search Articles
Search for articles based on a specific term or keyword. Replace `{user_api}` with your API key and `{search_term}` with the term you're searching for.
Command:hl-gaming-api search {user_api} "{search_term}"
🔍 Search Results for 'free fire': 🔹 100+ Unique Free Fire Name Style for Covid 19 - 🖤ᶜᵒᵛⁱᵈ 19ᴮᴿᴼ ➝ https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/2025/01/100-unique-free-fire-name-style-for_23.html 🔹 Be a Legend: 100+ Free Fire Nicknames for Boom - ᴿᴬᴳᴱⒷⓄⓄⓂ࿅ ➝ https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/2025/01/be-legend-100-free-fire-nicknames-for_23.html 🔹 Level Up: 176 Free Fire Nicknames for Your Mmy - ʍʍ🅈🄾🅄🅁 🄼🄼🅈✤ ➝ https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/2025/01/level-up-176-free-fire-nicknames-for.html
3. Article Details
Fetch the details of a specific article by using its article ID. Replace `{user_api}` with your API key and `{article_id}` with the article's ID.
Command:hl-gaming-api details {user_api} {article_id}
Article Details: 🔹 Title: Be a Legend: 100+ Free Fire Nicknames for Boom - ᴿᴬᴳᴱⒷⓄⓄⓂ࿅ 🔹 URL: https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/2025/01/be-legend-100-free-fire-nicknames-for_23.html 🔹 Author: HL Gaming Official 🔹 Description: Find a collection of stylish Free Fire nicknames for players who want to stand out in the game. Perfect for Boom! 🔹 Published: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 19:36:00 +0000 🔹 Updated: 2025-01-23T11:36:38.269-08:00 🔹 Categories: Free Fire Stylish Names, Free Fire, Gaming Nicknames
4. Article URL Metadata
Fetch the metadata of a specific article by using its direct URL. Replace `{user_api}` with your API key and `{article_url}` with the URL of the article.
Command:hl-gaming-api url {user_api} "{article_url}"
Article Metadata: 🔹 Title: Sample Article Title 🔹 URL: https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/2025/01/sample-article.html 🔹 Author: Sample Author 🔹 Published: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 19:36:00 +0000 🔹 Description: Detailed information about the sample article, including what it covers, tips, and tricks. 🔹 Categories: Free Fire, Gaming, Tips & Tricks
5. Fetch Images from Article
Fetch all images from the description of an article by using its article ID. Replace `{user_api}` with your API key and `{article_id}` with the article's ID.
Command:hl-gaming-api images {user_api} {article_id}
Images in Article: 🔹 Image 1: https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/images/image1.jpg 🔹 Image 2: https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/images/image2.jpg 🔹 Image 3: https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/images/image3.jpg
6. Fetch Image URLs from Article
Fetch all image URLs from the description of a specific article using its direct URL. Replace `{user_api}` with your API key and `{article_url}` with the article's URL.
Command:hl-gaming-api images-url {user_api} "{article_url}"
Images in Article: 🔹 Image 1: https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/images/sample-image1.jpg 🔹 Image 2: https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/images/sample-image2.jpg 🔹 Image 3: https://www.hlgamingofficial.com/images/sample-image3.jpg
7. Categories of an Article
Fetch the categories associated with an article by its article ID. Replace `{user_api}` with your API key and `{article_id}` with the article's ID.
Command:hl-gaming-api categories {user_api} {article_id}
Categories for Article: 🔹 Category 1: Free Fire Stylish Names 🔹 Category 2: Free Fire Nicknames 🔹 Category 3: Gaming Nicknames
8. Published & Updated Dates
Fetch the published and updated dates of an article by its article ID. Replace `{user_api}` with your API key and `{article_id}` with the article's ID.
Command:hl-gaming-api date {user_api} {article_id}
Article Dates: 🔹 Published Date: Thu, 23 Jan 2025 19:36:00 +0000 🔹 Updated Date: 2025-01-23T11:36:38.269-08:00
9. Installation and Setup
To get started with HL Gaming API, install the package using pip
pip install hl-gaming
import subprocess def fetch_latest_articles(api_key, count): command = f"hl-gaming-api fetch {api_key} {count}" subprocess.run(command, shell=True) fetch_latest_articles('your_api_key', 5)
10. HL Gaming App Installation and Setup
To install and set up the HL Gaming app, follow these steps:
Step 1: Install the HL Gaming App via Pip
Use pip
to install the HL Gaming package from the Python Package Index (PyPI). This command will download and install the necessary files.
pip install hl-gaming
Collecting hl-gaming Downloading https://files.pythonhosted.org/packages/ab/34/hl-gaming-x.y.z.tar.gz Installing collected packages: hl-gaming Successfully installed hl-gaming-x.y.z
Step 2: Run the HL Gaming App
After installing the package, run the following command to start the HL Gaming app. This will automatically begin downloading the setup and initialize the installation process.
Starting HL Gaming App setup... Downloading setup files... Please wait while the setup process completes. Installation Complete! You can now start using HL Gaming App.
The app will automatically download the required setup files and initiate the installation process. Once the installation is complete, the HL Gaming app is ready to use.
Step 3: Verify Installation
To confirm that the installation was successful, run the following command to check the app's version:
Command:hl-gaming --version
HL Gaming App version: x.y.z
If you see the version number, it means the installation was successful, and you're ready to use the HL Gaming app.